Nursery Documents
Nursery Curriculum
Our Nursery provides places for children aged 3 and 4 years. From the age of 3 children are entitled to either the 15 Hour Universal Offer or the 30 Hour Extended Offer of free education/care each week.
When your child joins our Nursery they will have the most inspiring time. We provide them with fantastic experiences during their time with us. The Early Years is a time where we see rapid change, growth and development. We have a very committed and experienced Early Years team who encompass our Early Years aims throughout.
Our Early Years Aims
We aim to:
Provide a stimulating environment, by planning high quality; purposeful play opportunities, which are based on children’s interests making learning fun and meaningful.
Allow children to explore, experiment and consolidate their learning through hands on opportunities in a safe environment where they are able to achieve and reach their potential.
Enable children to become independent learners and develop the skills to co-operate, share, negotiate and work as a team.
Develop close partnerships where parents and practitioners work together and learn from each other in order to share information and celebrate children’s achievement.
Provide a nurturing, caring environment where children feel safe, happy and valued as individuals.
We wish to welcome you and your child to our nursery and hope that the following information will be useful.
See below for our Admissions Policy and Forms to apply for a place.
Help With Childcare Costs
Nursery Gallery
Nursery Admissions Policy
Our Nursery provides places for children aged 3 and 4 years. From the age of 3 children are entitled to either the 15 Hour Universal Offer or the 30 Hour Extended Offer of free education/care each week
- Children are eligible to access the free entitlement to Nursery Education (15 or 30 hours) at the beginning of the term following their third Birthday.
- The 15 hour offer is universal
- To be eligible for the 30 hour offer:
- You, and any partner, must each expect to earn (on average) at least £142 per week (equal to 16 hours at the National Minimum or Living Wage).
- If you, or your partner, are on maternity, paternity or adoption leave, or you're unable to work because you are disabled or have caring responsibilities, you could still be eligible.
- You can't get 30 hours free childcare if either you, or your partner, each individually expect to earn £100,000 or more.
- For more details visit
The 15 Hour Universal Offer can be taken as 1 of the following options;
5 mornings;
5 afternoons;
2.5 days at the beginning of the week or 2.5 days at the end of the week.
The 30 Hour Extended Offer needs to be taken as one of the 15 Hour Universal Nursery Session options and then additional sessions added up to a maximum of 4.5 days between 8.30 am to 3.30 pm.
This 30 hour funded place is conditional on your online application being successful and validated every 3 months.
Both the Universal and Extended Offers can be topped up with sessions available for purchase as follows:-
8.30 am to 11.30 am £15
11.30 am to 12.30 pm £5
12.30 pm to 3.30 pm £15
There is no obligation to purchase any additional sessions to receive a child’s free 15 or 30 hour entitlement and the purchase of any additional sessions is a parent’s choice and subject to availability of the sessions once the free places have been offered to parents of children that are turning four during the academic year and with current applications on file.
If you choose the 2.5 day option, there will be a 1 hour lunch break from 11.30 am to 12.30 pm on the full days. Parents may collect their children for their lunch break or pay £5 per day for the 1 hour cover supervision.
A school lunch is available at an additional cost of £2.35 per day or parents can provide a packed lunch.
Parents on certain benefits may be entitled to free school meals and can apply by telephoning 0151 934 3263.
Applying for a place:
Application forms can be obtained from the school office or downloaded from the school website. On completion they should be returned to the school. They can be completed from the September after your child is born. Any applications received prior to this will be dated September.
Forms received after the 15th January for children starting Nursery in the September will be classed as a late application.
How places are allocated:
Places will be allocated under the following criteria:
1st priority- Looked after children. This is a child who is in the care of the local authority.
2nd priority- places will be offered to children with a sibling at Churchtown Primary School.
3rd priority- Places will be offered on a first come first served basis for children turning 4 during the Nursery academic year.
4th priority- Places will be offered to children following their 3rd birthday.
5th priority -Following the allocation of places as above and where we have further availability of sessions, parents will be offered to reserve a place for their child before their child’s 15 hour universal offer begins on a termly basis or they may pay for sessions.
Reservations will not be taken for the summer term until children eligible to start in the spring term have been offered the facility to reserve a place.
Applying for additional hours:
Once applications have been received and places have been allocated, there will be an opportunity to apply for additional hours within the week. These are subject to availability and are allocated on a first come first served basis. These are paid places and require a deposit.
Children who are accessing over 12 months of nursery provision will automatically hold their place for the following year. However, changes to sessions can be made if required. Children must access their full 15 hours during their preschool year; these cannot be split between providers.
Requesting a place and completing an application form does not ensure that a place may be offered.
Parents/Carers are informed in writing if a place has been allocated.
The level of fees will be set by the Local Academy Councilor’s and reviewed annually.
Payment and Validation Funding Codes:
Additional session fees must be paid half termly in advance prior to the first week of each half term. Unfortunately no reduction/refund is given for children who are absent. If the fees are not paid on time, or an eligibility code is not validated, the school will notify the parent/carer by text or phone call and request payment at the earliest possible opportunity. The school has the right to issue a formal warning to the parent/carer and inform them that continued late payment will result in their child’s additional sessions being forfeited.
Attendance in the Nursery does not guarantee admission to school for primary education. Parents will still need to apply for a school place in the usual way. Charges for absences:
- Charges will be made for sessions even when a child is absent through sickness or holiday
- If the child is collected earlier than the stated contractual time, the full fee still applies. • Late arrival at the start of the session does not permit late collection.
- If for some reason we have to close the school due to an inset/ staff training day or for emergency reasons a reimbursement will be given to all parents/carers the following month.
Non-payment of Fees If payment has not been received within 4 weeks of the date of the invoice the child’s place will cease to be available.
Under exceptional circumstances, the school may agree to allow the child to continue with the additional sessions for the remainder of that week. Parents/Carers are encouraged to speak to the School Office Manager if they have any query about the fees policy, or if, for any reason, they are likely to have difficulty in making a payment on time. Parents/Carers are strongly advised to arrange a meeting at the earliest possible opportunity, to avoid jeopardising their child’s additional sessions.
Notice Period:
- The period of notice to be given to change or terminate a contract is 4 weeks
- Notice of change or termination of contract must be given in writing, detailing the reason for the change or termination.
- Full fees remain payable until parents have been notified of the decision regarding their request to change or terminate the contract.
- Fees are reviewed periodically, but no increase will be made without at least one months notice being given. The school reserves the right to refer outstanding debts to the Endeavour Learning Trusts Debt Collection Service.
Nursery Teachers: Mrs O'Grady and Mrs West
Teaching Assistants: Mrs Andrew, Mrs Peake, Mrs Gough
Medical Information: It is essential for your child’s wellbeing that school is aware of all medical requirements including allergies.
If your child has an inhaler or any other medication please ensure we are informed.
Please be aware that we are only able to give children medicine prescribed by a doctor following written consent from a parent/carer
- Navy jogging bottoms
- Yellow polo t-shirt
- Navy sweatshirt
- black or navy trainer style shoes suitable for P.E. and outdoor play.
- waterproof coat
Please ensure all uniform is named
All shoulder length/long hair must be tied back using a navy, black or yellow hair band, scrunchie, bobble or small bow.
If your child has pierced ears, small studs are permitted. Studs must be removed by the child for P.E or will be covered with a plaster during the lessons. Children who wear watches must take full responsibility for them. No other jewellery must be worn to school.
Things you will need...
Spare clothing in a rucksack style bag, including underwear, tops, trousers and socks. We are unable to store bags in nursery therefore it will be sent home at the end of each session.
A school book bag for letters, library books and homework available to purchase from the school office for £3.50.
Outdoor Play in Kipper's Garden:
During outdoor play we encourage the children to change into waterproof suits and Wellingtons therefore, please ensure your child has a pair of named Wellingtons and a waterproof suit in nursery.
As an optional part of Nursery uniform, you may wish to purchase your child a school water suit. These suits help to protect children’s clothing and are made from durable fabric to ensure they protect in all weathers! We recommend that you buy a size bigger so that coats can be worn underneath.
We ask for a voluntary donation towards snack and baking. During each morning and afternoon session the children are offered a drink of water or milk and a snack. Our snacks include pizza, fruit salad or crumpets. We also bake with the children each week, and have enjoyed making a range of tasty treats.
Communication With Parents:
Regular communication with parents is sent via whole school weekly newsletters and meetings on a formal or informal basis. Nursery specific newsletters are half termly and provide key information about everything going on.
You will receive text and email alerts to keep you updated. Information is regularly placed on the nursery classroom door and on the parent information board (located in nursery).
Please don’t forget to keep school up to date with addresses, contact numbers and e-mail addresses as this ensures good communication with you.
There are many opportunities to meet with staff regularly during the school year.
Session Times:
Children over the age of 3 are eligible for 15 hours free nursery education a week. There is also the option of 30 hours free childcare. Please contact the school office for additional information.
There are four options to choose from:
- 5 morning sessions - 8.30am-11.30am
- 5 afternoon sessions - 12.30pm-3.30pm
- 2.5 days at the beginning of the week - Monday, Tuesday 8.30am-3.30pm and Wednesday 8.30am-11.30am)
- 2.5 days at the end of the week (Wednesday 12.30pm-3.30pm, Thursday and Friday 8.30am-3.30pm)
We will try our best to arrange for your child to attend in the most convenient session for you, but this may not always be possible.
Children staying for the full day will have their lunch from 11.30am - 12.30pm, with the option of having either a packed lunch or school dinner. School dinners cost £2.15 per day.
If you require your child to stay for lunch sessions during the week the cost is £4.00 if you are providing a packed lunch or £6.15 if your child is to have a school dinner.
We understand that children may wish to swap between hot dinners and packed lunches but request that children have either packed lunch or hot dinner for a full week.
Parents are welcome to provide a healthy packed lunch if required. To encourage healthy eating we suggest that children do not bring any chocolate based products or sweets in their lunchbox.
Please be aware that due to allergies we ask that you refrain from including nut based products for example peanut butter in lunch boxes.
If your child brings a packed lunch please ensure their lunch box and drinks container are clearly named.
Children eat their lunch in the dinner hall in the Early Years building. This is in a small group with a teaching assistant or lunchtime supervisor who will serve them lunch. Children are encouraged to interact with others and engage in discussion with their peers. Following lunch they will return to the Nursery.
Additional Sessions:
If surplus places are available, additional sessions can be purchased. Please contact the office for more details.
Parents requesting additional sessions will be required to pay half termly in advance. Payment must be made during the first week of each half term. Unfortunately no reduction/refund is given for children who are absent.
Things To Remember...
Please do:
- Inform us of any change of address or telephone number; even if this is only temporary.
- Pick up your child promptly at the end of the session. It can cause distress if you are late.
- Let us know if your child is going home with somebody different. They will also have to provide us with a password which you have selected for your child when they collect.
- Inform us in writing of any holiday dates.
- Name shoes, wellingtons, coats and spare clothes.
- Come and talk to us if you have any worries.
Please do not:
- Send your child to nursery if they are unwell. In line with NHS guidance following vomiting or diarrhoea we ask that children do not return to school until the symptoms have stopped for two days.
- Let your child bring their own toys to nursery, unless specifically requested.
- Bring suncream to school. During warmer weather please apply suncream to your child before coming to Nursery.
Attendance in the Nursery DOES NOT guarantee admission to school for primary education. Parents will still need to apply for a school place in the usual way. If you need any help with this please contact the school office.

The Nursery Year at school and home is important. During this year foundations for learning and living are laid.
Every child deserves the best possible start in life and the support that enables them to fulfil their potential. Children develop quickly in the early years and a child’s experiences between birth and age five have a major impact on their future life chances. A secure, safe and happy childhood is important in its own right. Good parenting and high quality early learning together provide the foundation children need to make the most of their abilities and talents as they grow up.
The Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum is based on the recognition that children learn best through play and active learning. Therefore we ensure that children are given a range of fun and exciting activities both indoors and outdoors. We aim to make education interesting and provide varied activities, which are based around your children’s interests. We continually observe your child to gain further insights into their interests and provide next steps for their learning.
Home-School Packs and Library Books
Each week children take home a library book and home-school pack. We have had lots of positive feedback from parents and carers about out home-school links. We know the children love to choose and share these resources at home.
Home-School packs and library books are changed on a weekly basis. Your child will not receive a new pack or library book until the previous pack and book have been returned. If you have any home-school packs or library books at home can you please return them to school as soon as possible.
Thank you for your continued support.
Magic Moments
'Magic Moments' provide parents and carers with the opportunity to share children's achievements at home. We then share these 'Magic Moments' during key worker sessions to in still a sense of pride in children.
There are more stars available if you run out, these can be located on our Parent Information board in the classroom.
For those children who will be completing home learning, the teachers will be adding activities daily to Tapestry for you to try at home. Monday will be linked to phonics, Tuesday's activity will be maths, Wednesday will be creative, Thursday's activities will be science and P.E, and Friday's activities will be linked to music and funky fingers. The Nursery teachers will also add videos of themselves reading stories for your child to enjoy at home. Parents are welcome to upload photographs and comments regarding their home learning, and to communicate with staff.