Nursery Admissions

20 places are available in Snowdrops, the 2-year-old room, for any child in the term following their second birthday.

50 nursery places are available in Buttercups, the 3-4-year-old room, for any child in the term following their third birthday.

Admission to Churchtown Primary Nursery does not guarantee a place in Reception.

We welcome parents/guardians to express an interest for a place following the birth of their child.

Nursery Expression of Interest Form

Updated: 29/04/2024 225 KB
Updated: 09/05/2024 31 KB

Churchtown Primary Nursery services offered

SNOWDROPS ROOM (2-year-old room)

2 year old - 15 hours free entitlement

Currently the criteria for 2-year-olds in England to get free early education and childcare is the following:

All two years old who are looked after by the Local Authority(LA)

Those two year olds whose parent/carers are in receipt of one of the following:

  • Income Support Income based job seeker’s allowance (JSA)
  • Income related Employment and Support Allowance (ESA)
  • Support through part 6 of the Immigration and Asylum Act
  • The guaranteed element of State Pension Credit Child Tax Credit and have an annual income not over £16,190
  • Working Tax credits and have annual gross earnings of no more than £16,190 per year Universal Credit
  • If the child has a current statement of special educational needs (SEN) or an education, health and care plan
  • If the child is eligible for Disability Living Allowance;

If the child has left care through special guardianship, child arrangements order or through an adoption order If you meet the eligibility criteria, your child would be eligible for funding from the term after their 2nd birthday. For more information and how to apply:


or call 0151 933 6021 (Mon-Thurs 9am-5pm or Fri 9am-4pm)

Working parents

If you are working more than 16 hours per week at national minimum wage, and earn less than £100,000 net income per year, you may be eligible for 15 hours childcare for your 2 year old. Working parents need to apply for a code via the Childcare Choices website which also gives more information about eligibility: 

BUTTERCUPS ROOM (3 & 4 year old room)

Every parent with children aged three and four years old is eligible for the basic free childcare entitlement from the term following their child’s third birthday. This is called the Universal Free Entitlement and gives 15 hours nursery education per week. Children of working parents may also be eligible for 30 hours free provision.

3 & 4 year olds free entitlement – 15 hours.

All children are eligible for 15 hours per week free entitlement from the term after their third birthday.

3 & 4 Year olds - 30 free hours

30 free hours will be available to families where both parents are working (or the sole parent is working in a lone parent family), and each parent earns, on average, a weekly minimum equivalent to 16 hours at national minimum wage (NMW) or national living wage (NLW), and less than £100,000 per year. Working will include employed and self-employed persons. Parents do not necessarily need to actually work 16 hours a week, but rather their earnings must reflect at least 16 hours of work at NMW or NLW. This includes those parents on zero contract hours who meet the criteria.

To find out if you are eligible use the childcare choices website:

Childcare Choices | 30 Hours Free Childcare, Tax-Free Childcare and More | Help with Costs | GOV.UK

Please note – the 15-hour entitlement sessions and additional sessions are contracted for 51 weeks per year. For 38 weeks of the year, the 15 hours are part of the free entitlement. There will be a cost for 13 weeks of the year for the 15 hours sessions, in addition to any additional sessions for the full 51 weeks, which you will be invoiced for.

Admissions Criteria

  • Children in the care of the Local Authority
  • Children with siblings attending the school at the time of admission
  • Children who attend our Under 3’s care service at the time of admission. Should places be filled within this category, children who have attended for the longest period of time will receive priority. (Applies only to Buttercups Room)
  • Children who live closest to the nursery school, based on the proximity of their home address to the school. Distance will be measured on an ordinance survey map as a straight line.
  • Children who take up the full offer (15 hours or 30 hours)
  • Ten per cent of places for any admission date to be filled at the discretion of the Headteacher and governing body, e.g. Children Looked After, Special Educational Needs